Proposal “Alex-ru-Promotion-1“ (Completed)Back

Title:Alex-ru promotional initiatives #1
One-time payment: 250 DASH (6792 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 250 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-04-06 / 2016-05-22 (added on 2016-03-28)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 624 Yes / 74 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Pre-Proposal Discussion: Alex-ru promotional initiatives

Hey guys,

You may have already noticed some of my promotional creativity:

«Alex-ru studio» video production
My DASH photo-bank (unofficial)
+ some articles + some promotional activity on Russian market + ...

As you know, I work for Dash for free + was getting some donations (in 2015 mainly, before decentralized budgeting was implemented). It is OK for me now, but sometimes I need to hire additional people + pay for additional media products to accomplish my tasks - so there are still some expenses that have to be covered…

So this Proposal is intended to reimburse such expenses for me.

I’m Russian - so it is most convenient for me to operate with Russian promos - but I see DASH need International expansion, not only Russian. And I can hire and manage actors and other freelancers on other languages - not a problem.

I am not intend to make any complex and expensive Marketing or PR compaigns (and basicly oriented on promo production, not distribution [it’s a space for community - in distribution]). My moto is “Maximum effectivness for free or with minimum expenses”.
I will take care about funds will be spent the most effective (in my opinion) way.

My current plans of spending money from this proposals are:
  1. I have “-160 USD” expanses from my previous initiatives that weren’t compensated by donations. I want to reimburse them.
  2. I want to create some “local” promo-videos: in Russian, Chinese, Spanish and other important languages.
  3. I want to create some additional small promo Graphics, Texts, Voiceovers, Videos (International and local) so everybody can use it to promote DASH worldwide.
  4. ...
These days it is hard to say if DASH/USD is going to be 3.00, 7.00 or 11.00 after month or two - so I am planning to keep all budget of this project in DASH and calculate expenses in USD only when actual expenses is happening…

Also, I am planning always keep actual report on forum - about particular expenses. You will be able to criticize it, made suggestions and so on. :)


Please don’t estimate this proposal as a way to support me (because I am not going to earn money from it) - If you really want to support me personally (directly) - just send me some tips to my personal DASH address from my forum's signature. :)

I would be happy to see other people creating the same types of proposals (in addition to my efforts).
Let's create (and PROMOTE!) the best Digital Cash that world has ever seen!!!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,8 years ago
Awsome videos,great work. Voted YES !
1 point,8 years ago
I have not a masternode, but i say "Yes" to Alex-ru here....
1 point,8 years ago
Easy "yes" vote. Thanks Alex-ru!
1 point,8 years ago
The Russians are coming! Keep up the great work, Alex!
1 point,8 years ago
1 point,8 years ago
thanks for the pre-proposal discussion at
you have my vote