Proposal “10DashVideosMarch“ (Closed)Back

Title:10+ Dash Videos for March!
One-time payment: 39 DASH (1054 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-02-18 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2017-03-01)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 519 Yes / 141 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description

Would you help me make 10+ more Dash videos for March by voting yes on this proposal?  When this is funded, I agree to make at least 10 videos of 5 to 20 minutes in length each on topics you request and/or on subjects with no existing or updated tutorials on YouTube.

gobject vote-many cbca0cbf31a519f89e6a434efeda7fcf407a265440c87aeb56e617e8b3208831 funding yes 

In February, I made 10+ new Dash videos and I put all of them into one nearly two hour master tutorial which I just rereleased today with a new encryption tutorial and a more in depth masternode setup video at Each video I already made and will make is also being published individually on my YouTube channel at  After listening to the feedback on previous proposals, I just released an updated encryption video as seen at which is now included in the full tutorial!

For March, I have a lot of exciting new video ideas that I hope will be complimentary with Amanda B. Johnson’s Dash Detailed show and capitalize on the recent publicity from the Dash price increase by making taking an action such as buying Dash or launching a masternode seem easy and worthwhile.  One idea I have is for a 1 to 2 hour “top 10 Bitcoin myths” video which will show limitations of Bitcoin and then provide a tutorial of accomplishing the same task with Dash.  For example, one video would show how Bitcoin is not anonymous and then show how to use PrivateSend for true anonymity in Dash.  Another would show Bitcoin blockchain delays in payments and show how Dash can send instantly.  My vision for these new videos is to help convert more people researching Bitcoin into Dash users and to inspire viewers with no crypto experience to start off with buying a little bit of Dash.

While I would have preferred to wait until the April budget to submit this to avoid the risk of not having enough time to get votes, babygiraffe just said in his last proposal that “As there remains a significant portion of the March budget cycle unallocated, and we anticipate some significant business development projects in the April budget, we feel it is prudent to begin accumulating savings toward these two conferences early.” I took this as a sign for me to make this proposal today for the March budget because it still has hundreds of Dash without funding.

If you read my last proposals and are kind enough to continue reading to the bottom of this one, I appreciate your patience with my comments in previous proposals after seeing the requests to edit one of the videos I filmed in February.  I love this community and I hope to continue being a productive part of our growth here!  Getting a masternode has been the biggest single investment of my life.  This morning I had it sitting in an unencrypted wallet and in making the new encryption tutorial today right after I moved my masternode into an encrypted wallet.  I appreciate you explaining to me how to me secure my own investment and working with me to share the most helpful message in the videos I create!

Thank you for reading all of this proposal!  Will you collaborate with me to produce another series of 10+ new videos for Dash in March 2017 by voting yes on this proposal?

gobject vote-many cbca0cbf31a519f89e6a434efeda7fcf407a265440c87aeb56e617e8b3208831 funding yes 

Jerry Banfield

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
If you vote yes, the main benefit might be not seeing this proposal again next cycle :)
0 points,7 years ago
lol - you got my vote
1 point,7 years ago
I will abstain for this voting cycle.

While I appreciate that you have a lot of enthusiasm, and many followers on youtube, after watching several of your videos, I have to say that you have channeled your enthusiasm in a way that reminds me of late night ads for get rich quick real estate flipping "systems".

I can't quite put my finger on why exactly I am reminded of that. I will watch a couple more and see if I can give more constructive criticism to avoid that impression in future videos.

But I noticed in some other comments that I was not the only one who wasn't really comfortable with this style of informational video for Dash.

I'm not downvoting you. I recognize and appreciate your effort and enthusiasm AND I I want you to further improve the product for the benefit of everybody.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for sharing why you abstained! I am grateful that I consistently am willing to put out videos that are less than perfect because this has allowed me to upload over 3,000 videos which seem to have made a big difference online. In doing more videos, I hope to learn a style that best works for the audience who likes the technical details emphasized and also for a general audience that has no idea what Bitcoin is. Helping me make more videos by voting yes will help me improve faster and usually having more videos on any subject is better because different people prefer different styles.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the 385 yes votes and for voting the other proposals in this month!
0 points,7 years ago
Would you get in a yes vote before the deadline because having me make these videos has to be worth more than no one doing anything with the remaining 500 Dash not used in this budget? Even if my effort produces videos that everyone does not love, it is certain to be better than letting this proposal fall just short because the videos I make are in my own unique style which some love and some do not. The average person is watching 15 minutes of my 2 hour Dash tutorial on YouTube which is one of the highest numbers I have ever seen on the video.
1 point,7 years ago
At first I admit I was turned off by the infomeciel type presentation, then I asked my girlfriend what she thought (who has no knowlage of crypto at all) and she liked it. So I'm going to say lets give it a go, and support the hard work that was put into the videos.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much leadarrow for explaining this and taking the time to comment here because this is exactly what I am aiming for to translate the technical into a format that most people can participate in!
0 points,7 years ago
Please continue to have community members who are well versed in the technical side of things proof read the script for the videos. Or be sure to ask questions in the slack chat. Let's be sure we are spreading information that is factual and teaches everyone the right ways to use Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
I am not sure if I am the right person to do strictly correct technical videos because I believe more are better qualified, positioned, and prepared to make those. Based on my experience with making 3,000 videos for more general audiences, I am well prepared and positioned to introduce the masses to Dash. The best part is that the less perfect it is, the more conversation is likely to occur from lovers that embrace the imperfections and haters that cannot stand it. To me the worst scenario is to have no information available or no style of presentation that fits for a certain type of user and even just my effort even as imperfect as it is will likely help produce more of the exact videos you are hoping for even if someone else does them!
0 points,7 years ago
Please consider making wallet tutorials, especially paper wallet tutorials for those who want to be long term investors in Dash and are newbies. I think that tutorial would be really great for a certain type of audience.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you I will plan to start learning what I need to know in order to make those tutorials because I have only used the DashCore wallet so far.
0 points,7 years ago
Jerry, what would the subjects be for these 10 new videos?
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for asking about this TanteStefana! My main idea is a "top 10 Bitcoin myths" video which of an hour or two long that includes an explanation of the limitations of Bitcoin with several solutions to the myths which feature using Dash when relevant in a full tutorial. This might be for 3 to 5 or so of the videos. For another series videos, I am hoping to show inside the Dash budget proposal process to motivate new people to submit proposals. Tutorials would show how to get a budget proposal funded including a review of previously funded proposals from non-Dash core team members as well as failed proposals then relaunched by Dash core team members (wall of coins integration) and my own adventure with getting proposals. My hope for these would be to inspire a few new proposals that bring great value to the community. Finally, I am open to suggestions from the community for specific topics which I hopes to make a well rounded approach into topics to bring new users in, convert new users deeper, and fill the current gaps in videos!
0 points,7 years ago
Think you need to pace yourself Jerry, proposals posted on the last day before voting rarely pass, unless its from the core team. It is always best to start with a pre-proposal discussion thread to drum up some support and present your idea for debate. I like your proposal and your enthusiasm, but Im afraid it might not pass be course of what I mention here above. Might I suggest that one of your videos (should you make one) be about posting proposals, you have more experience in that field now than most ;)
0 points,7 years ago
Yes thank you icebucket I hope submitting this proposal whether it passes or not provides a good complete look at my experience submitting proposals! I am planning to make a series of videos explaining the proposal process with the intention of making it feel worth the risk for someone else who is new like me to take a shot at spending the 5 Dash and making an offer that is good for the community! If I submitted this too late for the votes to pass, I accept that as worth the risk!
0 points,7 years ago
When you fund this proposal, I will also get closed captions in English for all the videos including the first 10 I did and all the new ones!
0 points,7 years ago
I appreciate you reading my third proposal this month and helping me feel welcome in the Dash community! If you commented on previous proposals, thank you for guiding me how to most effectively be of service here and your patience with me only checking comments once per day and getting so passionate about what I do! Would you ask any questions you have here or share any ideas you have for video topics to help me make the best contribution I can with these videos?
0 points,7 years ago
"The best part is that the less perfect it is, the more conversation is likely to occur..." While it is true that under some circumstances, the fastest way to get the correct answer on the internet, is to post an incorrect answer...

I would be careful to get the critical and basic information right. If you produce and post another video about Dash with obviously incorrect information, like... Don't use encryption on your wallet...I suspect you will never get funding again.
0 points,7 years ago
I think he corrected it
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, he did correct it. After writing, producing and publishing it for all the world to see, and without really conferring with anybody on dashnation/slack. The he got yelled at by a bunch of experience people who recognized that this was dangerous uninformed naive advice. Once it's out there, you can never really take it completely back.

I offered this constructive criticism, because I suspect (this is just my gut feeling) that if he produces and publishes another video with glaringly bad and/or incorrect advice, the community will just decide never to fund his work again.

I think that would be unfortunate for both Jerry and for the community.